Creative Craft and Home Industries

Creative Craft and Home Industries

Special Junior, Craftwork, Needlework, Patchwork, Quilting & Applique, Knitting & Crochet, Wood Work & Metal Work, One Persons Work, Cookery, Fruit and Vegetables, Jams and Preserves

Our Craft and Home Industry Pavilion will have a new look for this years Wagin Woolorama. Come and spend time in our fresh gallery style-display; take a breathe and enjoy the display of our local talent. 

There is something for everyone to enter their beautiful creations. From Craft, Knitting, Quilting, Woodwork, Cookery, Jams or growing Fruit and vegetables there is healthy rivalry as to who does it best. Featured classes across the sections are:

  • New Needlework: Card Embroidery Section (Section R)
  • Marble Cake - made to recipe (Section W)
  • Grandchild & Grandparent Gingerbread man challenge (Section W)
  • Golden Anniversary quilt theme (Section S)
  • Giant Pumpkin competition (Section X)
  • Collection of Jams or preserves (Section Y)
  • Friendship rug (Section T)


  • Needlework Section R: R50
  • Patchwork, Quilting & Applique Section S: S01

Free Entry for Sections P-Y

Junior Creations

There are many places for our Junior generation to show off their creative talent.  Section P is for Boys and Girl attending School (including home school) to display their cooking, Art, Craft & Design and Photography skills.  This year new featured classes include digitally altered photography, Wagin Young Artist Award and decorated birthday cakes.

Junior Art, Craft & Design Theme: Celebrating 50 years of Wagin Woolorama

There are many opportunities across the competition sections for Junior entries- see also Poultry, Young Judges, Cooking Grandparent Challenge, One Persons Work unfortunately no Woodwork and Metalwork this year but we are looking for a keen steward to take this class on in 2025.
