Special Junior, Craftwork, Needlework, Patchwork, Quilting & Applique, Knitting & Crochet, Wood Work & Metal Work, One Persons Work, Cookery, Fruit and Vegetables, Jams and Preserves
- Needlework Section R: R50
- Patchwork, Quilting & Applique Section S: S01
Free Entry for Sections P-Y
There are many places for our Junior generation to show off their creative talent. Section P is for Boys and Girl attending School (including home school) to display their cooking, Art, Craft & Design and Photography skills. This year new featured classes include digitally altered photography, Wagin Young Artist Award and decorated birthday cakes.
Junior Art, Craft & Design Theme: Celebrating 50 years of Wagin Woolorama
There are many opportunities across the competition sections for Junior entries- see also Poultry, Young Judges, Cooking Grandparent Challenge, One Persons Work unfortunately no Woodwork and Metalwork this year but we are looking for a keen steward to take this class on in 2025.